Author: Christian Noel
Setting Up Redmine
Lately I’ve been having problems in managing projects and stuff so I told myself that I need some sort of a project-management tool that would tell me what projects I’m working on and what tasks need to be done. A superior of mine taught me about Redmine. Redmine is a project management web application that…
Backend Fixture
I finally found the time, strength, and courage to fix the back-end of my site. Although at first it took me like 3 days to complete a full blown blog such as this one with no architecture or somesort. Now it runs on a framework and is following a design pattern – MVC which stands…
Baguio Cosplay 2009
Cosplay is a very natural thing in the main cities like say Manila which is the capital of our country. At first I was thinking if anyone will join the cosplay that will be held here in Baguio as this is the very first time we experience this event. Anyways the event was a success…