Category: Haphazard Thoughts

  • Hatchy

    See that silver honda hatchback at the far right? Yep, that’s my Hatchy. Just lately I have come to realize how important a car is to me and how it impacts my life. Just so you all know, I have been a car owner for quite a few years now and I’ve come to understand…

  • Virac Catanduanes

    Before anything else, I’d like to say special thanks to Sir Karlo for giving us this opportunity to travel to Virac which is his hometown. At first I teasingly suggested a trip to Virac last year and I was excited when Sir Karl accepted my proposal and began planning. Honestly, we were hoping for a…

  • The Meaning of a Song

    We’re all into music and there’s no denying it. Most of the time we get bored and look for ways to be entertained and eject ourselves from boredom. The closest one we could think about is Music. Music has been there even before we were born and it still is trending up til now. Anyways,…