Author: Christian Noel
Gundam Assembly: Nix Providence Gundam
I just bought this set at a local mall. I was curious on how people build Mobile Suit figures and I am a fan of the Gundam Series so I decided to get one. My favorite Mobile Suit in the entire Gundam Series was the Providence Gundam which first appeared in the anime series Gundam…
Nausicaa: My Childhood Anime
Just last night I completed watching the movie by Hayao Miyazaki: Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind (1984). I was very happy I was able to watch it because when I was a kid way back 3rd grade as far as I can remember, I watched this title dubbed in English on a local…
Codeigniter-Doctrine migration from Windows to Linux
Before I begin, Codeigniter is a php framework that implements the Model-View-Controller design architecture. Doctrine is an Object Relational Mapper and a powerful Database Abstraction Layer built on top of php. Doctrine handles all, if not most, database commands such as create, read, update and delete. I have first started working with Doctrine and Kohana…