Tag: anime
Recommended Anime: Overlord
Nobody is ever too old to like anime. In my case, I must admit, it’s been quite some time before I reviewed a title. Overlord is similar to what you may call game-gone-real-life, No Game No Life, Log Horizon and Sword Art Online to name a few. But what makes Overlord stand out? Well, apart for…
Zankyou no Terror Cosplay
This is my first set for 2015. I’d like to thank Shari and Mon for the invite to this shoot. We cannot find a suitable location to shoot for a dark theme so then we had to revisit one of the sites we used to shoot at before. Zankyou no Terror Cosplay Shari as Nine…
Shingeki No Kyojin Group Cosplay
Not very often I get to bring my camera on a trek. One reason behind this is that it is too bulky and on a trek you only get to use your camera when you set out camp. I’d like to make this set an exception. I was given the chance to cover a group…